Embryo Freezing

Embryo Freezing

Embryo Freezing: Unlocking the Potential of Future Pregnancies


Embryo freezing is a miraculous scientific development that has opened up new horizons for couples struggling with fertility. This technique has made it possible to store excess, high-quality embryos for future use, thereby maximizing the chances of successful pregnancies down the line. With more than 700,000 babies born worldwide from this procedure, it’s not just a trend but a proven method. In Turkey, regulations allow these frozen embryos to be stored for up to 5 years, and the process doesn’t harm the embryo. We’ve also seen a preference for vitrification over slow freezing due to its higher survival and pregnancy rates.

The Basics of Embryo Freezing: An In-Depth Look

Embryo freezing, often known as cryopreservation, has emerged as a pivotal technique in assisted reproductive technologies like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This process involves the freezing of embryos, essentially ‘pausing’ their development, for future use. This way, couples or individuals have the opportunity to use these embryos at a later date without the need for additional IVF cycles. But what really goes into embryo freezing? Let’s break it down.

Quality Matters: Picking the Best Embryos

The first step in the embryo freezing process is the selection of viable embryos. Not all embryos are suitable for freezing. Only those that have developed to a certain stage and exhibit high quality are chosen. Generally, a grading system is used to assess the quality of each embryo, looking at factors such as cell division rate and appearance.

Vitrification vs. Slow Freezing

There are two principal methods for embryo freezing: vitrification and slow freezing. Vitrification is the faster method, and it involves flash-freezing the embryo. This method is more commonly used today as it has been associated with higher survival rates after thawing and higher pregnancy rates after transfer.

Slow freezing, the traditional method, takes a more gradual approach to lower the temperature of the embryos, but it has been largely supplanted by vitrification because the newer method results in less cellular damage.

Timing is Everything

Embryo freezing typically happens five to six days after the egg retrieval when the embryos have reached the blastocyst stage. This is when the embryos have a higher chance of implantation and survival, both during freezing and thawing.

Storage and Future Use

Once the embryos are frozen, they’re stored in liquid nitrogen tanks at a temperature of around -196 degrees Celsius. This ultra-low temperature ensures that the embryos remain in a state of suspended animation, virtually stopping all biological activity, thus preserving them for future use.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of embryo freezing varies by location and clinic, but it’s usually an additional charge on top of the IVF procedure. However, considering it can save you the cost of undergoing complete new IVF cycles in the future, many see it as a worthwhile investment.

Safety First

One of the biggest concerns couples may have is the safety of the embryos. Rest assured that modern techniques have made the process safer than ever. With unique identification systems and highly secure storage facilities, the chances of mix-ups or damage are minimal to none.

In summary, the basics of embryo freezing involve several crucial steps, from selecting high-quality embryos to choosing the right freezing method and timing. With advancements in technology, this procedure offers a reliable and increasingly successful way to plan for future family expansion. It’s an exciting area in reproductive medicine that is continually evolving, offering hope to many.

Success Rates: Comparing Fresh and Frozen Transfers

You’ll be pleased to know that pregnancy rates for frozen-thawed embryo transfers are nearly identical to fresh transfers. It’s like putting your best batter up to the plate whether it’s the first inning or the ninth, and expecting a home run every time!

When to Opt for Embryo Freezing

Often, couples choose to freeze embryos after an unsuccessful attempt at pregnancy or even after having a baby. It serves as a backup plan, enabling you to make multiple attempts without starting the IVF process from scratch each time.

The Preparation: What It Entails

Preparation for a frozen embryo transfer is relatively straightforward. The inner lining of the uterus is stimulated using orally administered medications. You won’t have to go through the whole IVF song and dance again, making it easier and less stressful for everyone involved.

Regulations and Storage in Turkey

In Turkey, you can rest easy knowing your frozen embryos are safe and sound for up to 5 years, thanks to local regulations. This ample time frame offers flexibility, giving you the luxury to plan your family at your own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does embryo freezing damage the embryo?
No, embryo freezing doesn’t harm the embryo.

How long can you store a frozen embryo in Turkey?
Up to 5 years, as per the regulations.

Is vitrification better than slow freezing?
Current research suggests that vitrification has higher survival rates post-thawing and higher pregnancy rates post-transfer.

What medications are used in the preparation for frozen embryo transfer?
Oral medications are used to stimulate the inner lining of the uterus.


Embryo freezing has revolutionized the fertility landscape, offering couples a valuable safety net for future pregnancy attempts. From its impressive success rates to the convenience it offers in subsequent IVF cycles, it’s a game-changer in reproductive medicine. In Turkey, you’re in safe hands with a maximum storage time of 5 years and state-of-the-art vitrification methods. With embryo freezing, you’re not just preserving cells; you’re preserving hopes, dreams, and the possibility of life.

Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare provider for the most accurate health advice. The information in this article is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.